Larry Tobin, founder of Jack of Sports, combines his professional hockey experience in Sweden with his Cornell University education to create a unique sports program. He believes that kids benefit from trying different sports, which helps them grow physically, socially, and emotionally.
Frustrated by costly and subpar sports programs, Larry designed Jack of Sports to offer affordable, inclusive options for families. With a focus on skill-building and fun, the program provides children with a solid foundation for an active lifestyle.
Exploring various sports allows kids to develop diverse skills and avoid burnout. Jack of Sports’ multi-sport philosophy ensures children remain engaged and build a love for physical activity that lasts a lifetime.
Jack of Sports welcomes kids from all walks of life. Through shared activities, children learn about teamwork, respect, and inclusion in a supportive environment.
The program’s high-tempo training and innovative games encourage active participation and skill development. Each child gets equal opportunities to learn and grow.
Jack of Sports aims to create positive experiences for both kids and parents. The team listens to feedback and strives to improve, ensuring families leave with lasting memories and excitement for future sessions.
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